How To Score High In Post Utme (& Gain Admission)

How To Score High In Post Utme

How To Score High In Post Utme (& Gain Admission)

As a tutor with a decade of experience, I will advice you to read this carefully if you want to pass your Post Utme. By the way, congratulations to you, on your UTME score. However, remember that you are in competition with others to enter university. 

For students aspiring into medical courses, you need to understand that you need a high Post Utme, 85% at least. The competition is solid, your competitors are seriously preparing, and you will be left behind, if you dont seek guidance.

What you need to be eligible to write Post UTME

The following are the requirements you need to be eligible to write post-UTME 

  • The five credit pass must be obtained in not more than two sitting
  • The Recommended JAMB score by the school
  • The school’s admission requirements 

Best Tips to Score High in Post UTME Exams

The tips have been tested by hundreds of thousands of aspirants and it worked for most of them. Yes, it did not work for everyone because some aspirants just read the tips but never practiced the tips.

Below are the tips that will guide you to success 

  • Know your school
  • Choose a Suitable Tutorial
  • Get the right materials
  • Write Mock Examination
  • Read for at least 8 hours
  • Solve questions without a calculator
  • Practise with CBT App


A lot of aspirants don’t know their school, dont know the mode of, and do not understand what the school uses for their entrance exam. However, they assume with their high admission jamb score, they will get their preferred course. So far, they read as they read for their UTME. This is the first step to failure. Understand if your school is writing exams, and how they conduct exams is it online or offline? What are the subject combinations? Ask pertinent questions, do your research, and understand how to prepare.

Read also: List of Schools that have Released Post UTME for 2024/2025

2. Choose a Suitable Tutorial Class

Choose a tutorial class where there’s a good structure for students preparing for post utme, not where jamb students like you will be the ones teaching you. Go for a good tutorial class, and prepare for months of intensive training. You must always be ahead, read, and choose a tutorial, where you will learn new things, not the one, where you regurgitate and teach stuff you already know.

3. Get the Right Materials

Every school has the right material for Post Utme exams, dont go and buy random materials. Visit your prospectus school, and get the materials, if yours is very far away. Join a community full of students of the University and have a confirmed source. You can always get it online. Understand that the material is only a guide, and questions from the material might not reappear from your main exam. So, be mentally prepared.  

Related: Post UTME Past Questions and Answers (Free PDF Download)

4. Know the Structure of the Examination 

Before you think of writing any examination, this is the very first thing you need to do. know the structure of the examination. How many questions are usually involved? the type of question or pattern of questions asked. Is it subjective, objective, or theory? The examination has how many stages  etc There should be answers to all these questions. Though most post Utme questions are always objective 

5. Write Mock examinations 

Set an examination environment for yourself to answer different examination questions, you can download them online. this is done to build your confidence and also work on your time management. Continuous self assessment is the key. Constantly revising every question AMD reading topics sounding understand is one of the key to success 

6. Read for at least 8 hours 

A student, preparing for a university exam, should read at least 8 hours a day. Schedule your time,  and structure your capabilities. Do not be caught unaware, over preparation is better than under preparation. Apart from scoring high in your Post Utme, a solid 8 hours reading, will improve your intellectual output and capabilities 

7. Solve Questions without Calculator:

A lot of aspirants are solely dependent on calculator. The maturation from secondary school to university level is what you should start learning. You can’t depend on calculator and expect to score high in your Post Utme. So far you are a science student, try and solve questions, without a calculator. Post Utme questions are mostly solved without calculations. Schools like The University of Ibadan, UI University of Lagos, UNILAG Obafemi Awolowo University, OAU. Uses on screen calculator, you can’t use scientific calculator on their Post Utme. Train yourself to solve questions without calculator 

8. Practice with a CBT App 

This is very important as it will prove your technical know-how and teach you time management. If you want to score high, even if you dont have access to internet, try and borrow from people. Your access to all the Apps is as important as your food. The CBT app will teach you how to be smart, understand technology, time management and self-consciousness 

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