FIRS Aptitude Test Questions and Answers – Free PDF
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Working through these past questions and answers is a great way to boost your confidence and increase your chances of success.
Essentially, this past question focuses on tax related questions that may arise in the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) Tax Officer I & II CBT.
Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) Past Questions and Answers
1) The following are true in personal income taxation in Nigeria with the exception of:
Income tax is payable for each year of assessment on the total income of the following persons, that is:
A. A person resident outside Nigeria who derives income or profit from outside Nigeria
B. Persons employed in the Nigerian Army, the Nigerian Navy, the Nigerian Air Force, the Nigerian police
C. Officers of the Nigerian foreign service
D. Every resident of the FCT
E. A person resident outside Nigeria who derives income of profit from Nigeria
2) Which ONE of the following is NOT on the list of approved taxes and levies to be collected by a State Government.
A. Road taxes
B. Withholding taxes (corporate)
C. Capital gain tax(individual)
D. Stamp duties on instruments executed by individual
E. Pools betting and lottery, gaming and casino taxes
3) Which of the following is NOT one of the current tax administrative bodies in existence in Nigeria?
A. Federal Board of Inland Revenue
B. Joint State Revenue Committee
C. State Board of Internal Revenue
D. Joint Task Force
E. Local Government Revenue Committee
4) An aggrieved taxpayer served with notice of refusal to amend should file a Notice of appeal to the Tax appeal Tribunal within …..days of receipt of the notice
A. 60
B. 90
C. 120
D. 30
E. 180
5) Donations to the following bodies are allowed under S.21 CITA CAP21 LFN 2004 except
A. Boys Scout of Nigeria
B. Institute of Medical Laboratory Technology
C. Nigeria National Advisory Council for the Blinds
D. Congress of Nigeria Political Parties
E. National Commission for Rehabilitation
6) The conscious effort to take advantage of the provisions/ lapses of the various tax laws with a View to minimizing total tax liability, is referred to as
A. Tax Avoidance
B. Tax Amnesty
C. Tax Mitigation
D. Tax Planning
E. Tax haven
7) Tax attributable to timing differences is referred to as
A. Incidence of tax
B. Tax Appeal
C. Tax shifting
D. Differed tax
E. Adjusted Tax
8) The penalty for failure to deduct or remit withholding tax is a fine of ……of the unremitted tax
A. 150% of the withheld tax
B. 190% of the withheld tax
C. 200% of the withheld tax
D. 50% of the withheld tax
E. 300% of the withheld tax
9) Who is the Chairman of the Revenue Committee of a Local Government?
A. Local Government Chairman
B. Majority Leader
C. The Supervisor for Finance
D. Minority Leader
E. Local Government Treasurer.
10) The Lagos State Government generated a total of #101.69 billion in the first quarter of 2016, how much of this revenue was generated by the LIRS?
A. 60 billion
B. 67.25 billion
C. 75.45 billion
D. 84.34 billion
E. 88.24 billion
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11) Failure or refusal to register for PAYE scheme with the relevant Tax authority within the stipulated time is…
A. Liable to a penalty of ₦500,000 in case of Body corporate
B. Liable on conviction to a penalty of ₦5,000 in addition to payment of arrears of tax due
C. Liable on conviction to a penalty of the total sum of taxes due and 10% p.a
D. Liable to a penalty of 10% p.a of the amount plus interest at the prevailing commercial bank rate
E. Liable on conviction to a fine of ₦25,000 in addition to payment of arrears of tax due.
12) On 1st July 2011 a landlady received ₦864,000 as rent for 3 years commencing from that date. Determine her assessable income for the 2014 year of assessment?
A. ₦144,000
B. ₦288,000 ANS
C. ₦324,000
D. ₦364,000
E. None of the above
13) The following are allowable deductions under Legal expenses except
A. Collection of trade debts
B. Acquisitions of a new lease
C. Renewal of short lease
D. Retention of services of the firm’s lawyer
E. Defending an action for breach of contracts
14) The residue of qualifying expenditure is also referred as …
A. Balancing charge
B. Balancing allowance
C. Initial allowance
D. Annual allowance
E. None of the above
15) A ……. Is given to a taxpayer if the tax written down value of the assets at the date of disposal exceeds the nets sales proceed of the assist.
A. Balancing charge
B. Balancing allowance
C. Capital gain
D. Chargeable assets
E. Capital allowance
16) The following are taken into consideration before arriving at the computed income of a partnership except
A. Partner’s remuneration
B. Interest on capital
C. Cost of recreational passages
D. Share of profit
E. All of the above
17) A person who fails to demand for a tax clearance certificate is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of……
A. ₦5,000,000 or 3 years imprisonment or both
B. ₦50,000 plus double the tax payable plus 3 years imprisonment
C. ₦500,000 or 3 years or both
D. None of the above
E. ₦5,000 or 3 year imprisonment or both
18) The notice of assessment will contain the following except..
A. The tax payable
B. Total income on which the tax was charged
C. The address for service of the notice
D. The tax charged in the previous year
E. The name of the addressee
19) Relevant tax authority refers to….
A. Federal inland revenue service
B. State Board of Internal Revenue service
C. Government, ministry department with responsibility to assess and collect taxes
D. Tax authority that has jurisdiction over a taxpayer
E. All of the above
20) …… is the process of determining the correct amount of duty by this Commissioner of Stamp Duties
A. Stamping
B. Affixing
C. Adjudication
D. Customizing
E. Embossing
About FRSC Tax Officer 1 & Officer II Recruitment
The Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) opens portal for the recruitment of tax officers across the country.
Th recruitment exercise will take place in six states comprising Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, Imo, Ekiti, Lagos, and Oyo.
Eligibility Criteria
- Candidates must be 27 years old or below by 31st December 2024.
- Applicants must have completed their National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) no later than 31st December 2024.
- Applicants must possess a Bachelor’s Degree (or HND) in First Class/Second Class Upper in accounting or sciences or engineering or related fields.
How to Apply:
Interested candidates should submit their applications via the official FIRS recruitment portal: .
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