PwC Aptitude Test Questions and Answers (PDF Download)
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Related: FIRS Aptitude Test Questions and Answers – Free PDF
Essentially, this past question focuses on possible questions that might come out in the Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) CBT Test which include: Verbal, Numerical, and Inductive reasoning.
PwC Aptitude Test Questions and Answers
We have created 30 questions for you to practice. These questions have been selected from previous Practice Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) questions and dragnet tests as many companies use this book for their recruitment tests.
You can proceed directly to download the PwC past questions and answers below for free.
1) Choose the correctly spelled word:
A. Independent
B. Independant
C. Indipendent
D. Independet
2) Select the word closest in meaning to “exhilarating”:
A. Boring
B. Exciting
C. Depressing
D. Tedious
3) Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “optimistic”: A. Cheerful
B. Hopeful
C. Pessimistic
D. Positive
4) Identify the grammatically correct sentence:
A. She does not likes pizza.
B. She do not like pizza.
C. She doesn’t like pizza.
D. She don’t like pizza.
5) Which word means the same as “gregarious”:
A. Shy
B. Outgoing
C. Reserved
D. Timid
6) Choose the correctly spelled word:
A. Necessary
B. Neccessary
C. Neccesary
D. Necesary
7) Select the word closest in meaning to “impartial”:
A. Biased
B. Neutral
C. Prejudiced
D. Partial
8) Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “arrogant”:
A. Humble
B. Proud
C. Conceited
D. Boastful
9) Identify the grammatically correct sentence:
A. They was going to the park.
B. They were going to the park.
C. They is going to the park.
D. They are go to the park.
10) Which word means the same as “inquisitive”:
A. Curious
B. Indifferent
C. Apathetic
D. Uninterested

11) What is 35% of 300?
A. 85
B. 95
C. 105
D. 115
12) If a car travels 360 kilometers in 6 hours, what is its average speed?
A. 50 km/h
B. 55 km/h
C. 60 km/h
D. 65 km/h
13) Simplify: 4𝑥−7=21
A. 𝑥=5
B. 𝑥=6
C. 𝑥=7
D. 𝑥=8
14) If the ratio of men to women is 2:3, and there are 40 men, how many women are there?
A. 50
B. 60
C. 70
D. 80
15) What is the next number in the sequence: 5, 10, 20, 40, _?
A. 60
B. 80
C. 100
D. 120
16) What is 12% of 250?
A. 25
B. 30
C. 35
D. 30
17) Simplify: 7𝑥+5=40
A. 𝑥=4
B. 𝑥=5
C. 𝑥=6
D. 𝑥=7
18) If a bicycle travels 180 kilometers in 9 hours, what is its average speed?
A. 10 km/h
B. 15 km/h
C. 20 km/h
D. 25 km/h
19) What is the next number in the sequence: 2, 6, 18, 54, _?
A. 108
B. 162
C. 216
D. 324
20) Simplify: 5𝑥+15=40
A. 𝑥=4
B. 𝑥=5
C. 𝑥=6
D. 𝑥=7
21) Which shape completes the series? ○●○●○●○?
A. ●
B. ○
C. ●○
D. ○●
22) What comes next in the pattern: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, _?
A. 36
B. 49
C. 64
D. 81
23) Find the odd one out: Cat, Dog, Bird, Fish, House
A. Cat
B. Dog
C. Bird
D. House
24) Complete the analogy: Book is to Library as Star is to _?
A. Planet
B. Universe
C. Sky
D. Galaxy
25) If all X are Y and all Y are Z, which of the following is true?
A. All X are Z
B. Some X are Z
C. No X are Z
D. All Z are X
26) Identify the next shape in the series: △▲△▲_
A. △
B. ▲
C. ▲△
D. △△
27) Which number comes next in the sequence: 4, 8, 16, 32, _?
A. 40
B. 48
C. 64
D. 80
28) Choose the figure that logically comes next in the series:
A. ◻
B. ◻◻
C. ◻◻◻
D. ◻◻◻◻
29) Find the odd one out: Triangle, Circle, Square, Hexagon, Pen
A. Triangle
B. Circle
C. Square
D. Pen
30) Identify the pattern: BB, CC, DD, EE, _
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